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Lead Tours Guides - Michael Bath BSc


Michael has a Degree in Computer Science, is a media reporter, and is renowned for his superlative lightning photography. His lightning photography website, www.lightningphotography.com showcases his finest work. He has been interested in the weather since 1981, an interest that was to be reinforced by two major floods in the Lismore area of northern NSW during 1987 (while living at Ballina).


Michael moved to Sydney for work in 1989 and met storm chase partner Jimmy Deguara at a BoM storm spotter training session in 1993 and together they developed Australian Severe Weather, now one of the largest and most popular severe weather websites / resources in the world on the internet (Google Severe Weather).


Michael returned to the NSW North Coast in early 1999. Thunderstorms and storm chasing, weather & lightning photography, floods and tropical cyclones are his main interests and Michael is very widely respected for his knowledge and passion for severe weather.



Career Highlight: January 17, 2001


"This day will long be remembered as one of the most exciting and intense storm systems I have ever witnessed. To have a monster High Precipitation (HP) Supercell advancing from the south and a Low Precipitation (LP) or Classic Supercell just to the north and moving ESE, must be a rare event for anyone to witness. But then to experience the HP in full fury was both exhilarating and scary."





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